Tuesday, August 10, 2010

The Lord's Time vs Your Own

Through the busy hustle&bustle of everyday life, we seek and hope to gain whatever it is that we are looking for. From that dream job, to that new place or even that perfect man or woman. We get on our knees and we pray, asking (sometimes begging) the Lord to bless us RIGHT NOW. Albeit, patience is a virtue that we all may seek, but many fail to possess. I confess that I am guilty of being impatient. What we fail to realize is that we are on God's time, not the other way around. Just because you pray for something does not mean you're going to get it or that you were meant to get it, or even prepared to get it.

We sit back and wait, hope and pray for a blessing that probably belongs to someone else. We even look for blatant signs, being impatient and not fully trusting in the Lord. You ever heard someone say " I have faith, BUT...." There is no BUT, if you have faith, then possess it and trust in the Lord that he will provide exactly what you need. Maybe not your wants, because sometimes we can't correlate the difference between a need and a want. But if you put your full trust and faith in the Lord, he will not let you down.

I can remember getting on my knees in the middle of the night and asking the Lord for whatever it is that I wanted at that moment, and still worrying when I laid my head to rest. Worrying completely defeats the purpose of prayer. You pray to strengthen your relationship, trust and faith in the Lord, and by worrying after a prayer you basically prayed in vain. Ever heard the saying " If you're going to pray don't worry, if you're going to worry don't pray?" You have to choose which position you're going to take when you are faced with a problem, you can either be a worry-er, or a praying warrior. Letting your problems see how BIG your God is and not the other way around. I guess we are used to everything in life having a time frame i.e, your bill is due on the 15th of August or you have one week until your paper is due. God doesn't work on man's time, WE are on borrowed time in this life, and now is the time to stay prayed up and have faith to know that if you get on your knees and ask for something, you're either going to get that blessing, or an even better one is waiting for you.

If you ask for something and do not get it, it's not the end of the world, just a new beginning to seek what you need and not what you want. Know and trust that you will be provided for and that unlike man, you can always count on God. We may fall short, but the Lord is always there to pick us up. Keep the faith&stay blessed, until next time :)