Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Expect What You Accept

As a Black woman you are pretty much told from day one that your chances at finding a good Black man are slim to none. We are thrown depressing statistics about the percentages of Black men who are either gay, incarcerated, dating white women, or whatever other crazy factor you can think of, to deter us from seeking what we truly deserve, the right man. Although these factors hold some truths we cannot let this cause us to settle for less. I've noticed many Black women being content with sharing a man, settling for one who doesn't meet their standards, basically accepting whatever from fear of becoming an old lonely spinster.

We've all been in situations where we pondered how many baby mother's are too many, or if he's been locked up, which crimes you can look past (I kid) or even if he isn't doing anything with his life well at LEAST he's trying....right? WRONG. In my opinion if you don't have your life situated or can't bring anything to the table in a relationship, then you need to be single. If your life is a mess, then don't drag someone else into your mess. This goes for men and women. How can you focus on someone else if your life isn't even in order?

When you get involved with someone that doesn't meet the requirements you are looking for, don't expect them to change for you. Don't be surprised when you get what you see.When you accept less then don't expect more from your partner who you've basically given the okay to leave you disappointed.Granted nobody wants to be alone, you cannot settle and then get mad at the person you've settled for, for not changing into the person you wanted them to be.

Whenever I read or hear about how statistically because I am a college educated Black woman I am even more prone to being single for the rest of my life, the saying "The devil is a lie," comes to mind. I am trusting in the Lord to send the right man in my life. Statistics are against me but when the Lord is for me can they really be against me? My answer is NO. We must not allow statistics to cause us to accept anything less than the best. It's what you deserve, trust me, and until you realize that you will always be disappointed and searching for more. Expect What You Accept. Until next time, stay blessed :)

1 comment:

  1. Well stated. Expect what you accept! Explains my current situation almost perfectly...
